Lotus performance tested against Sinatra

Some time ago I heard about Lotus. A fresh Ruby framework for building web applications. It is created from stand-alone parts which are shipped as separated gems. This means that I am able to pick only the essential components for my project. The source code can be found on github.

After a while, I began thinking about its performance. Finally, I decided to make a simple benchmark to check the following scenarios:

  1. render a simple view using Slim and some helpers
  2. render a view with the latest Posts from PostgreSQL database
  3. create a new Post from request params

Initially, I considered Rails as an opponent, but this would be an unfair competition. Rails is a mature framework with a lot of built-in staff and Lotus does not have all these facilities. It was obvious that Rails would be significantly slower, so I decided to use Sinatra.


For stress tests, I used wrk tool with a basic lua script for performing a fake POST request with params.

In both cases, Sinatra and Lotus, I used Sequel as a database adapter, PostgreSQL as a database, Slim as a template engine and Puma as an application web server. Source code can be found on github for both Lotus and Sinatra.

Puma was configured to use four threads in production environment:

 $ RACK_ENV=production puma \
    --threads 4:4 \
    --port 2500 \
    --preload \

All tests were performed using the following command:

wrk --connections 4 \
  --duration 30 \
  --threads 4 \

with the optional --script post.lua argument for the last test. As you can see, wrk tries to keep 4 connections running for 30 seconds. The output will contain a number of handled requests with some additional statistics.

The database was cleared and seeded with the sample data (1000 Posts) before each test to avoid dummy queries:

 $ rake db:clean && rake db:seed

I ran code on the newest Ruby MRI 2.2.1, PostgreSQL 9.4.1 and the most recent versions of all used gems at the time.

Test 1: Rendering a simple slim view using helpers

The first test was about rendering a view using:

  1. bootstrap linked from the CDN for CSS stylesheets
  2. gif from public directory
  3. helpers for current date and time

Sinatra was able to handle around 42k requests in 30 seconds while Lotus took twice as many. This means that Lotus was able to process 2.8k requests per second, while Sinatra processed "only" 1.4k.

Test 2: Rendering a view with the latest Posts from the database

The second test was about selecting the latest 15 Posts from the database, then rendering the view with the title, body and created_at fields for each Post.

The difference between Lotus and Sinatra was much lower than in the first test. Lotus served around 401 requests per second while Sinatra managed "only" 313.

Test 3: Creating a new Post from request params

The last test was about creating a new Post from given params (title and body), and redirecting to the / page.

In this case, Sinatra handled 589 requests per second and Lotus, again, was two times faster with a result of 1.1k requests per second.

"Benchmarks do not make sense…"

You may say that these kind of benchmarks do not make any sense because it is a bit like comparing an orange with an apple, but in my personal opinion, every benchmark says something about tools. It can also lead to some unexpected results. For example, I discovered that Lotus has some problems with rendering partials, and with iterating over an array of objects from the database, which results in poor performance. I think that it could be even faster after further investigation of these issues.