Hide your staging environment from Google

If you deploy your application to a staging environment, chances are that it will eventually get picked up by Google and other search engines. This is undesired for many reasons, from other people discovering your unfinished work to bad SEO from duplicate content.

robots.txt is a file that can be used to instruct search engine robots not to index certain paths of a website. Ruby on Rails creates a robots.txt file in the public directory when generating a new project, but since it is a static file, we can't make it work for both the production and staging environments.

So, the first step is to remove that file from our repository.

Then, we can make Rails generate different content depending on the enviroment it is in. While this can be done using a controller, a simpler way is to create a Rack app.

Create a lib/robots_txt.rb file with the following content:

class RobotsTxt
  def self.call(env)
    # start building a new response
    response = Rack::Response.new

    # set content type to plain txt file
    response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
    # cache the response for one year, so that further requests won't hit
    # the application
    response['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=31557600' # cache for 1 year

    # if we're not in production env, set the content to disallow all robots
    unless Rails.env.production?
      # disallow access to the whole site (/) for all agents (*)
      response.write "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /"


Finally, connect that app to the correct route in config/routes.rb:

YourApp::Application.routes.draw do
  get '/robots.txt' => RobotsTxt

When you deploy those changes, your app will serve an empty file when running in the production environment, and disallow all robots from indexing your site in any other environment.

If you want to lock down your staging environment even further, you can use HTTP basic auth. This way all requests will have to be authenticated with a username and password.