The right time to introduce structure to a development process
Have you ever worked on a project where everything just flowed smoothly, work was getting done fast, and your team was killing it?
Have you ever worked on a project where everything just flowed smoothly, work was getting done fast, and your team was killing it?
Up until recently, managing external CSS and JavaScript dependencies in Rails apps was a big pain. Solutions varied from just checking the latest downloaded version of a library into source control and forgetting about it to using Bower to manage dependencies.
If you deploy your application to a staging environment, chances are that it will eventually get picked up by Google and other search engines. This is undesired for many reasons, from other people discovering your unfinished work to bad SEO from duplicate content.
This post will show a fast and easy way to add search to your Rails application. We will use Elasticsearch, an open source search engine, and Searchkick, an easy-to-use gem that integrates Elasticsearch with Rails.