How Startup Community is Driving Impactful Solutions
Why is everyone so crazy about communities these days?
Why is everyone so crazy about communities these days?
Każda ścieżka kariery jest inna - co do tego nie ma żadnych wątpliwości. Ale niewiele jest tak ciekawych, jak Piotra - byłego Ragnara i wielkiego przyjaciela firmy. Całkowicie obalił tezę, że “nie wchodzi się dwa razy do tej samej rzeki” - dołączył do Ragnarson dwukrotnie i wyszedł na tym świetnie.
No one ever picked a product purely out of the impact story behind it.
When is the best time to hire the CTO for your project?
There’s a constant pursuit of new, innovative business models to bring new revenue streams to the nature conservation sector.
Why exactly are supply chains so complex? Why is it difficult to innovate them?
The society’s wealth in Poland started growing after 1989. That’s when many individuals had the chance to build and sell companies, becoming rich.
Every career path is different. Many entrepreneurs don’t know which way to go. Even with the career path planned step-by-step, they sometimes ask themselves if what they do is really what they want to do.
There are two ways we do business at Ragnarson. On the one hand, we invest in impact-driven startups, on the other, we act as an agency with technical expertise
Investing in startups involves a huge risk. Investment analysts spend hours analysing every detail of startups before the fund, or an angel decides to invest.